Pilot ~ Photographer ~ Scuba Diver
Brianna Cassidy
In my last blog, I focused on the Great Controversy Theme. This truth, properly
understand provides much comfort, especially in light of tragedy.
For this week, I want to focus on a theme closely related and one I just mentioned
in passing at the close of last week’s blog. But before I do, I want to revisit the final
moments of my daughter’s life. I believe God has a message for us here.
For those of you who are not aware, who have not read the account by Kimberly
(the trauma nurse, with our daughter in her final minutes) you can go read her
story under the Testimonial section, it is very inspiring. We are so very grateful for
her willingness to be used by God, being with Brianna on that day we will never
forget as long as time lasts.
In those last moments of Brianna’s life, Kimberly while attending to our daughter, heard a voice which told her to “call My daughter by her name.” This has brought much comfort to me in my grieving process. There are a number of reasons why:
1) This was a real audible sign in those closing moments that God regarded her as His.
2) It confirmed what her mother and I had seen throughout her life—
that she wanted to live for God and serve Him and thus she had been responding to Him.
3) It thus revealed that there was a saving connection with Christ. Months before she felt convicted to try to reconcile, even seeking forgiveness over a relationship that turned sour. {This is evidence Holy Spirit was at work in her heart.}
This is important for the obvious.
As many of you who are Christian parents know, we take seriously our children’s eternal welfare and the responsibility God has laid on us to raise them for Him. Thus, we ever feel the burden of their salvation and wonder from time to time, are they connected? Do they really know the Saviour?
The evidence is in the fruit. As the Bible says, “by their fruit you shall know them.” The several letters of sympathy that came in after her death, from especially older people who knew her personally, testified to the Christian conduct and spirit which was revealed in her life. Just two weeks before her death, Brianna taped a 30 second video clip for a mission trip sponsor-ship. In that clip she likened flying an airplane to a sense of freedom, a freedom that only comes from being “forgiven and set free in Jesus Christ.” {These are among the last words she ever recorded in video format.}
There is a reason why I’ve spent a little time sharing about our daughter’s spiritual life. The Lord would have thinking men and women realize a principle of life that is scarcely understood, yet is a vital biblical reality especially with respect to the day we are living in. In the book of Hebrews it states that “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (9:27). In the closing moments of our daughter’s life, we believe the Holy Spirit was sealing her for eternity. There was a battle going on for this soul; the powers of darkness determined to snuff her life out, prematurely. Many drivers, being impressed pulled over to pray for her moments after the collision. (We believe God heard those intercessory prayers and we are thankful for them.) But God, though momentarily removed the hedge of protection around her, allowing this tragedy (for a much greater good) was present during the whole drama that unfolded. This Voice which spoke to Kimberly, we believe was the Holy Spirit speaking not just for Kimberly’s benefit, but for the benefit of many, us included, who would hear her testimony.
Because Brianna’s name was written in the book of life, being a disciple of Jesus, (Luke 10:20; Malachi 3:16), we believe she will be “accounted worthy”. Not because of her good works, but because of the atoning sacrifice of the blood of Jesus, who will appear as her advocate, pleading in her behalf in the judgment. Remember, we are saved by faith, but judged by our works. Brianna’s works testified of her faith in Christ.
Thus in conclusion, God would have all of us who are ‘still among the living’ realize that we all have a judgment day coming. He would have us now claim the atoning benefits of Christ’s death on Calvary—where He took our guilt and punishment and died our second death, so that none might be lost. We should claim these benefits as ours daily, living lives of repentance and faith (both gifts from Christ), so that we will be prepared to stand in that day when our name “comes up” in the judgment, which is soon to be concluded in heaven.
I leave you with this passage: “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6. This passage implies a day is coming, He will not be found. We will explore this thought in my next blog.
Until then, thank God daily we still have an ‘Advocate’ in heaven, pleading for us sinful mortals. He wants to do much more in your life…just let Him.