Pilot ~ Photographer ~ Scuba Diver
Brianna Cassidy
Heavenly Discussions Over Her Future
Back in late September (2017), Mary and I attended the annual retreat of the other ministry I’m involved in. It was a spiritual feast indeed, which refreshed our souls.
Sunday morning, I gave the devotional before the board meeting. The highlight of my talk was a letter I read written by the founder of the ministry—Bill Liversidge. He had sent me a favorable response to our request that he speak at our benefit concert in May of 2016.
Then in his response he wrote a deeply profound picture of Brianna and where she is seated, which has stuck with us to this day. But for another insightful reason at an intimate level did it make a lasting impression. [I struggle to express the concept Pastor Bill put in words which involve us, Brianna’s parents.]
Here is the idea which so deeply moved us: God has deemed fit to include us—being present—in those heavenly “discussions for Brianna’s future.” In other words, “God has already initiated the plans for the completion of Brianna’s life and character in a heavenly environment rather than an earthly”, as Pastor Bill stated. In Jesus, we her parents with her—the three of us—are already seated in heaven in Christ. Wow! What a thought!
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It would not do justice to try and expound on this letter. It is sufficient to permit the Holy Spirit to enlighten the understanding to the reader.
Further, this is what God is doing for all those who’s sanctification process has been cut short, being laid to sleep in the faith of Jesus. A great resurrection day is coming where they will be raised to resume the growth process, in a pure and holy heavenly environment, beyond the reach of temptation and the tempter, praise God.
Thus, with no further a due, I will conclude this first segment and direct the reader to Pastor Bill Liversidge’s letter to us, re. our daughter. Read it slowly, thoughtfully and if need be, prayerfully. It is truly profound, inspiring and deeply significant once its meaning dawns on the mind.