Pilot ~ Photographer ~ Scuba Diver
Brianna Cassidy
He Will See You Through
The day dawned clear and bright;
As excitement mounted to a height,
We loaded our gear and set out.
A family day twas it all about.
Our destination was quite far;
So while riding in the car,
I spent some moments in God’s word.
My prayer, I know He heard.
I studied something different from my ususal plan;
In this I see God’s leading hand.
The memory verse was Isaiah 43:2
Which now, I’d like to share with you.
“When thou passest through the waters,
I will be with thee;
And through the rivers,
They shall not overflow thee:
When thou walkest through the fire,
Thou shalt not be burned;
Neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.”
Part of this gem from God’s treasury,
I decided to commit to memory.
“When thou passest through the waters,
I will be with thee;
And through the rivers,
They shall not overflow thee.”
My first overnight canoe trip was about to begin;
We arrived and unloaded with our faces a grin.
We gathered in a circle for prayer,
Asking God His protection to share.
Two canoes were set afloat;
My dad and I in one boat,
A friend and my brother,
Were in the other.
The sun shimmered and gleamed on the water clear.
We had no need to frown nor fear.
The birds cheerily sang their spring song;
I never dreamed that things would go wrong.
For a while all was peaceful and merry.
Of a rapids ahead we were wary.
To portage around was our intent;
But alas! Through the rapids we went.
The sign warning us to get out,
Could barely be seen when one looked about.
We soon realized our fate;
But then it was too late.
Three of us clamored from the water to shore;
Then anxiously looked about for one more.
But our Donald was no where in sight;
And no longer were things very bright.
A search and rescue team was put into action;
But by nightfall, had not reached satisfaction.
O how we longed for news that Donald was alright;
But the search could not continue till it was light.
“O where was Donald now?
Had he floated down stream?
Was he spending the night in the woods?”
While I was struggling with thoughts such as these,
God brought to my mind one of His special keys.
That key is found in His Word;
It helped my heart to feel much assured.
“When thou passest through the waters,
I will be with thee;
And through the rivers,
They shall not overflow thee.”
It seemed as though God was speaking directly to me;
From my anxiety and fear He set me free.
He seemed to say,
In a tender, loving way,
“As Donald passes through these waters,
I am with him;
And through the rivers,
They will not overflow him.”
In God and His World I found peace;
Such blessing and release.
From the trial He did not set me free;
But through it all He was there with me.
In the morning we got a call,
With a summons for us all.
We drove to the nearby ranger’s station;
With uncertain hearts about the situation.
We stepped from the car,
And hadn’t walked far,
When we’re met with the heartbreaking shock,
Donald had been pinned neath the water to a rock,
Our nine year old Donald was laid to rest;
Yet we trust God’s timing is always the best.
He sees and understands what we do not;
For our best good is ever His thought.
When we reach heaven at last,
And our crowns at His feet we cast,
We’ll understand my friend,
Why Donald’s life had to end.”
Of Donald’s eternal salvation we feel assured.
He loved the Lord and that morning spent time in His Word.
The question is now left in our care;
Will we meet him there?
If we choose to be on God’s side,
Then when those old graves open wide,
We can rise to meet Donald in the air;
Eternity with him to share!
This trial was quite tough;
And the road very rough;
But dear friends, God has seen me through;
And I know He’ll do the same for you!
Trials he allows us to bear;
But in them He does share.
He lovingly holds our hand;
And will help us strong to stand.
Will you give Him your heart?
And trustingly do your part?
For what’er fire or river He calls you through
He will walk through it with you!
*April 18, 2001
By Heidi L. Hunt 2008