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December 19th

We Can't Forget

It has been said that the passage of time brings healing.  This is probably true in many cases.  Yet, it cannot be true, when it comes to the loss of a child, when parents invest everything—time, patience, perseverance, much prayer, loss of sleep, effort, and an ever-deepening love and care for nearly 20 years in that child—then in one day to lose it all, to see that life end, right at the time she is “sprouting her wings” ready to launch into adult life. A devastating blow as such, words fail to describe. It is an emotional trauma with long term negative effects.

Thank God, it is not the end, it is not a permanent devastation, only temporary.  The Life Giver will soon bring our precious daughter Brianna back to life, uniting forever our hearts with hers which death so cruelly separated.

After six years, the loss is still felt acutely, the sting of that sudden fatality is still lodged in memory’s hall, that once paralyzing sense of grief has only lessened with the passage of time by the grace of God.

It has been hard to see Brianna’s friends and peers her age graduate and move into their careers these several years since losing her. COVID has brought changes which has altered every area of life, including travel. In this respect, we are grateful she is sheltered an protected from it all in her resting place.

This passage below is more applicable today, than even a year ago, even a month ago:

      “The present is a time of overwhelming interest to all living. Rulers and statesmen, men who occupy 

      positions of trust and authority, thinking men and women of all classes, have their attention fixed

      upon the events taking place about us.  They are watching the strained, restless relations that exist

      among the nations. They observe the intensity that is taking possession of every earthly element, and

      they recognize that something great and decisive is about to take place—that the world is on the verge

      of a stupendous crisis.1

As we see youth dealing with isolation and depression, and young families struggling with increasing challenges, more empathy and a spirit of compassion should be expressed. Our hearts being burdened with what we all see occurring in our world, we can only hope and pray, helping those God puts in our paths who are in need, to relieve their pain and grief.

We implanted the principles of the Bible in Brianna,  and continue to encourage others to spend time, not just reading, but studying this most important Book. In it one will find promises for daily living, prophecies which are fast fulfilling showing us where we are in the stream of time, and most needful of all, to become acquainted with its Author.

Passing this six-year mark, we look back over just the last 12 months and the health crisis last December we were plunged into, many of you are aware of, which almost cost Mary her life. We are very appreciative for all your prayers and support. As we prayerfully made changes in our diet to be mor in harmony with God’s healing modalities, we saw Him reward us in amazing ways.  We praise Him for it. The sacrifices were all worth it.

Peering into this new year we are about to enter, we long for that Day when we will be reunited with our precious Brianna.  There will be more tragedies and trials, many of us will have to pass through.  But fear not, remember the promise found in Deuteronomy 33:27:  “The eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms.”

It is our hope and prayer that you feel the loving arms of our Saviour, not just at this season of the year, but into the New Year. He will protect and defend the cause of all who trust Him.

We want you all to be there on that day to meet Brianna when she is restored to us.

What a glorious Day it will be!






  1. Taken from the book Education, p.179. Written over a century ago, with a worldwide influence regarding the great guiding principles of life.

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