Pilot ~ Photographer ~ Scuba Diver
Brianna Cassidy
Davin Bennett, Missionary Pilot In Training
Our new pilot in training is Davin Bennett, who came from the Philippines to obtain his pilot and IFR license here in the states. He and his wife were missionaries in the Philippines teaching Hydrotherapy, Massage and Health Evangelism to the founders of PAMAS. They acquired this training at Wildwood Lifestyle Center, in Georgia. He has a quite interesting story how the Lord has lead he and his wife Irene here to the US and how they are as much missionaries here depending on God to supply their needs and for his aviation training, as they were in the Philippines.
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c182 Part 2
At the end of February, Daniel Baquero, one of GMI's pilots came to pick up the C182 and fly it back to Collegedale, TN. It is being prepared to be dispatched to Peru this summer. It will used for medical aviation, transport missionaries and supplies to and from the front lines.
We’d like to introduce to you our sponsored pilot from Bolivia, Miguel Farias and his wife Mirta and their daughter Lara.
Miguel & Family

I'm Miguel, with my wife Mirta, we have been married for 27 years. God blessed us with three talented daughters. In our constant desire to excel, God allowed us to live in
Miguel & Family Part 2

Jesus 4 Asia
Back in November of 2015, we visited the headquarters of Jesus 4 Asia, in Collegedale, TN. We meet with Jon and Natalie Wood, Founders for the ministry and discussed plans Brianna had made to volunteer at Jesus 4 Asia. We also discussed plans for a new kids mission program J4A had planned, which BWP Foundation felt directed to financially support.
News Updates from BWP
This page has been created to keep you abreast of all news developments related to Brianna's Wings of Passion Foundation. It will highlight current and future happenings that may be of special interest to our viewers. We are glad to make this available for you.
We were notified recently by Jon with an update on the “Kids in Mission” TV show for Kids Network. After their family visited Thailand last June, they had a better idea of the concept the program would take. After receiving matching funds with BWP's grant, Jesus 4 Asia have made plans to travel to Thailand and Cambodia in late January to do the filming for the program series.
Stay tuned for continued developments from Jesus 4 Asia in 2017...
You can visit J4A here: http://jesus4asia.wpengine.com

South American Pilot Receives Solo Certification
Miguel Farias, our mission pilot-in-training received his solo flight certification recently and we were the first to receive the good news. Miguel is now working toward the private pilot's license which will allow him to be utilized by GMI.