Pilot ~ Photographer ~ Scuba Diver
Brianna Cassidy
A Labor of Love
At the beginning of our tragedy, one of two special churches reached out to us, one of which was the Oroville SDA Church. In those early months when a family is so vulnerable, it makes a big difference for a church to reach out to minister to a grieving family--its a tremendous support group.
Out of all the cards and gifts of food and even monetary contributions, the friendships are what truly make the difference in lasting relationships. Amongst the special church family that we have become part of, Jim and Kaye Miller truly are a special pair. Once while visiting their home, we noticed some beautiful artwork on their walls. Come to find out Kaye had a hidden painting talent which was displayed in a number of fine paintings.
After inquiring about the paintings, Kaye willingly offered to paint a picture of our daughter. We were so grateful and thus supplied her with one of Brianna’s graduation pictures.
In Deep Gratitude
Rod & Mary Cassidy
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Pictures have always been a warm aspect of our lives. But when one loses, especially a child, as a parent you want to freeze those moments in time. This picture means so much more to us than just the quality of the canvas, it has meaningful senti-mental value. When we look at the portrait, not only do we think of the artist and her labor of love, but the many people Brianna touched in her short life. It captures that special time period and place, reflecting back on her graduation—the happiest day of her life.
We would like to thank Jim and Kaye for their hospitality in their home, sharing a bond with us through this gift. Kaye has expressed that she feels that even though she never met Brianna, that through the painting experience with her brush, she feels as though she has ‘come to know’ her. It truly is a special gift God has given some people to bless others in a very personal, meaningful way.
Thank you Kaye for being willing to be used as His hands to touch us and bless us in a very unique way. We will be forever grateful. We are anticipating the day we will introduce you to our daughter on the Sea of Glass.