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50 Months of Separation


The first Monday of this month (March) marked 217 weeks, or 50 months since we buried our daughter.  Only those parents can relate who also have lost a child.  As this picture depicts the burned out area after the recent campfire, so I see it as a fitting symbol of the loss the enemy has "burned out" of our lives that we continue to live with. The grief and loss experienced cannot adequately be expressed in words.  There is only One who truly understands, only One who can give hope so “we sorrow not as others who have no hope.” (1 Thessalonians 4:13).

Just the other night I dreamed of my daughter. I believe the Lord gives us from time to time dreams of such sort to comfort us in our loneliness. {This past Friday evening was especially a difficult time, right before bed as I reminisced with my wife over the pain of not having our daughter with us, I noticed a lump, better known as “a grief lump” in my throat. It was as if the loss happened just last week and the billows of a broken heart were about to break forth. As time passes, we think we can handle such emotional experiences better, but the truth of the matter is, we are still broken people. God has permitted this horrendous experience so that we may always be sensitive and feel pain when others grieve, especially over the loss of a loved one.} What a gracious kind Father we have who comes close to us in such times, for He has experienced loss Himself. 

What kind of loss must it have been to be separated from Your only One-of-a-kind Son—the precious Son of His love (John 3:16; Colossians 1:13) for those three days and nights (Matthew 12:40).  Who was there to comfort God in His pain, the everlasting Father who experiences all our pain and sorrow? What about His sorrow, His grief?

O you might say, “God knew it would only be this short space being separated from His Son, from Calvary to His Resurrection, why make more of it than it was—just a few days?” Tell that to any earthly parent who lost a son or daughter. Some might say, “just get over it, move on with your life…” Is that what these people would have said if they lost a child? God has to bear remarks like this--truly an insensitive statement.  This is part of the suffering of God and His children who He permits to enter into a miniscule part of His sufferings.

Thank God the sin problem, which has brought so much woe, sorrow, pain and suffering to the Creator and His creation, will soon be finished.  The grief in God’s heart will soon be supplanted with joy when the redeemed will sing the victory song and His honor guard, the song of Moses and the Lamb.

To those who might read this blog, who have recently gone through loss of a child or even a sibling or spouse. Whoever it might be, we share your pain and grief. But we invite you to look to Him who is “The Resurrection and The Life”.  Only He can truly comfort you.

Won’t you join my wife and I in being a part of that great homecoming on the sea of glass? We look forward with eagerness to that day when our precious Brianna will with us sing that hallelujah chorus!

It is our prayer, that all who have been impacted by her death, will come forth in that awesome earth-shaking event—the resurrection of the just and ascend together to meet the Lord in the air, “so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16,17)  

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