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239  Weeks of  Grief

1673 days ago we lost our precious daughter Brianna to a drowsy driver. When we go and see the pictures, read old blogs, listen to personal testimonies and watch those early interviews—those memories are brought to the surface as if it just happened yesterday. It has been a hard 55 months.

We live in a world of pain and suffering and one thing we have noticed since that tragic day, our world is quickly unraveling. Regard for human beings with respect and decency has deteriorated noticeably in the last 55 months. Every uncouth and revolting characteristic is becoming common place. People in general are losing the very ability to love others. Our world is turning into a very ‘sick house’ of mortals—mental illnesses, emotional infirmities, physical diseases of all stripes and kinds are abounding everywhere.

The written word predicted this to happen in the last days.  “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth.”  {Luke 21:26}.  Inspiration records, “It  is the darkness of misapprehension of God that is enshrouding the world.  Men are losing their knowledge of His character” {COL 415.3}.  This explains why our world is accelerating in the direction of ungodliness, worldly lusts and wickedness. Why the younger generation are bringing up children in this day and age, as though life will continue as is, shows how out of touch with reality they really are.

We thank God, our daughter has been spared the traps and temptations of the enemy in these days.  Though we miss her dearly, we are comforted with the thought she is safe, waiting the voice of the Lifegiver, when we shall never more part.  

 But there is still hope and comfort—hope for those who are raising children and even those who have adult children, who may have left the Lord.  Keep praying for them and claiming God’s promises in their behalf. God hears those prayers.  Comfort for those who, like ourselves have lost a child in death. If they died in faith, you have comfort you’ll see them again.

That Day is fast approaching. Keep your courage and trust in the Lord, for we shall soon reap an everlasting reward, if we faint not. What a grand reunion will that Day bring.

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© 2015 by Brianna's Parents 

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